Helpful Tips for Measuring Auger Flighting

Auger flighting, or the rotating helical screw blade that makes these drills so iconic, is important for moving dirt, liquids, and more out of the way while boring into the earth or moving materials. For the best possible results, you need to measure your auger flighting to ensure it will perform effectively in the environment you’re working in. As experts specializing in custom flighting manufacturing, here are a few helpful tips for measuring auger flighting that you can use.
Outer & Inner Diameter
First, you should start by measuring the diameters you’ll need for your auger flighting. The outer diameter should be equal to the shaft diameter plus twice the strip width (the point measuring from the inside edge to the outside edge). The inner diameter of your flighting can be made to any desired measurement, but it’s common practice that they are made to fit the OD of various DOM tubing or schedule pipe sizes.
If your flighting comes out of a barrel, please provide us with the barrel’s inner diameter as well!
Material Thickness
After the diameter is decided, you’ll then consider the material of your flighting and how thick the blade should be. Most auger flights are made between 1/4" to 1" thick but can be produced up to 2" if desired.
The pitch refers to the distance between flights, which dictates how far dirt, liquids, and other products will move in a single shaft revolution. To get the most practical solution, the best practice is to match the pitch so that it’s equal to the outside diameter of the flighting.
Because you move a greater volume of product with a greater pitch, it’s recommended to avoid pitches that are less than two-thirds. However, you don’t want to exceed more than one and a half times the outer diameter.
If you ever need help or references, look at our auger flighting for sale and get in contact with our experts. We’ll be happy to help you measure out the specifics to ensure you get the right auger flighting for your next project.